Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) Testing & Analysis
Discover your body’s metabolic rate with our RMR test, providing the exact calorie count your body needs at rest to fuel daily life and personalize your diet. Creates your personalized calorie and macro building tool within your app

Preparing For The Test
Diligent preparation is important because your RMR is very sensitive. It is affected by many factors, including environment, genetics, hormones, stress, movement, and digestion.
You must FAST for a minimum of five hours (only drink water)
Limit your activity beforehand (no exercise)
Wear comfortable clothing. Workout, casual, or even business clothes are all acceptable, as you will just be relaxing in a chair. If you’re scheduled for a VO2max test, you will need workout shoes and clothes
During the RMR
We like to think of your RMR Metabolic test as a 15 to 20 minute meditation to break up the stress of your day. All you need to do is relax comfortably in a chair while breathing into a mask. We calculate the amount of oxygen you consume during this time.
We then analyze your data, review it with you and answer your questions.